Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This is how you pronounce Delphi if you are and Authentic Greek Person.

So the Delphi day trip was...kind of a bust. There was a rockslide so we couldn't climb up and see the temple or the theater, which are the two super famous sites there. Instead we saw a lot of big square blocks, which were ancient and all but so not worth a three-hour drive. The museum was pretty awesome, but it was closed when we got there so we had to leave and eat and come back.

Stella was our tour guide, which was awesome because she is surprisingly good at shoving through crowds of tourists, despite being a little grandma-type person. She kept waking me up on the bus ride with her announcements though, which made me grumpy.

There were cats EVERYWHERE. We got more excited about a kitten than the ruins.

Then we took a "walk" up to the highest point in Athens, a little church on a big hill. Halfway up we realized it was actually a grueling hike of steep steep death, but the views at the top were totally worth it (except they are still on my camera, sorry). Also this dog with a tumor (we creatively named him Tumor Dog). Walked with us all the way down the mountain and halfway through Athens, barking like he was clearing the way or something. He even stopped and waited whenever we took a rest. He was a good friend, Tumor Dog.

Today we had seven hours of the most boring lecture I have ever been trapped in, then learned that most of our classes were unavailable. I am officially taking Photojournalism and Human Development, which are still art and psych even if they're not was I originally wanted, so I'm cool with it. There's also a Modern Greek class with an oral lab that will probably terrify me.

Then we brought groceries! I fried myself some eggplant and was so pleased with the result that I have been telling everyone, even though no one cares, probably. Tonight we're going to a bar where the main attraction is apparently a wall covered in neon bottles, where I will probably hang around being way more sober than everyone else. But there is no dancing, I was promised, which is good because I'm tired and last time we danced creepy Greek men tried to dance with us. I am not a fan.

My legs burn and the internet sucks, as per usual. I'm still working on pictures but it is a pain in the arse. To hold you over, here is a picture from Meteora. And a dog sleeping on the Parthenon. And Stella.

Ta ta!


  1. stella looks like a badass. so you didnt even get to see the delphi i saw on google images??? thats dissapointing

  2. I care about you and your eggplant!
