Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween, America!
We don’t get to have Halloween here. Apparently there’s some day in February where Greeks all wear funny costumes for no reason though, so perhaps we’ve been a good influence.

It would seem that I haven’t blogged in a while. This is definitely not because I forgot my Blogger password. That would be dumb.

Classes are chugging along in a way that is truly unremarkable, unless you count the way City U. is really terrible at, say, telling us whether our classes are cancelled or not. Organization is not one of the famous Greek traits (as far as I can tell the famous Greek traits are aggressive driving and high-heeled boots and tardiness).

I’m learning some very useful phrases in Greek class (“Good morning! My name is Erin! I want coffee! Where does your mother live?”). Usually I can practically utilize about two of these words before it degenerates into gesturing and the clerk using English anyway, I guess because it is painful to watch.

Apparently I missed Vince Vaughn as well as Kevin Costner last week, a trend I am not pleased with. C’mon, famous people!

We visited the Temple of Poseidon, which was beautiful if you don’t mind being trapped on a peninsula until your bus comes back. There was a Greek national holiday called Oxi Day on Wednesday so we got to sleep through classes (SO not as good as Halloween though).

I’m getting a little homesick now that it’s well into fall in the States. Fall’s always been my favorite season so it kind of sucks just missing it entirely. It’s getting chilly here but everything’s still green and no one celebrates Halloween or Thanksgiving. Aphroditi is going to make Thanksgiving dinner for all the American kids, including specially imported Butterball turkeys because Greek turkeys, she says, are too boney. It’s super super nice of her.

Tonight, we depart on an overnight ferry to Santorini. It’s supposed to be the prettiest of the Greek islands, though it’ll be cool and windy when we get there so I am not looking forward to a dip in the water like I usually would be. We’re coming back Sunday night to Monday morning. A week later we head on a ten-day excursion to Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris, which is majorly exciting provided the travel agency stops being so frustrating.

And cause I've been behind, here's some pictures from Meteora and our Delphi/Corinth/Sparta trip. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erinface, I'm really stupid and don't have your new phone number and I'm going to have to get it from your mom. D: I've been missing you like CRAZY lately because, well, obviously, you are my best friend in the entire universe and should therefore be missed - THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME EVEN THOUGH I NEVER SKYPE. A lesser woman would have kicked me to the curb by now clearly (madam giry).

    I will check in with you soon. <3
