Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sup, America

I HAVE SOME MORE PICTURES. Here they are. They are from the Acropolis omg omg omg

The reason I haven’t been blogging is that I’ve been having many glamorous and exciting adventures in the beautiful weather.

Just kidding!

It’s actually been raining all week, and really cold too, I am confronted suddenly with the fact that I pretty much packed nothing with sleeves because I was too much of an optimist. I need to go shopping if I can convince a roommate to come with me. I’ve been on whole-apartment shopping trips but I am so slow that we usually switch stores before I find anything. Or else they are sketchy places with “Dolce and Gabanna” hanging on hangers outdoors for suspiciously low prices.

I went to the market yesterday and did some serious grocery shopping even though it was pouring rain, so I’m proud of myself for that. Last time I was so overwhelmed by the fact that it was an open market that I ended up buying two plums and an apple or something. I made chicken in my apartment for the first time, too! It was exciting.

Annnnd what else. The apartment went out again to a bar I liked and a club I didn’t, I ended up kind of grumpy and with blisters on my feet from my shoes I don’t usually wear. But the night started out as fun times, at least. I really like all the girls I live with, they’re fun.
And we got shadowed all the way home by these two dogs that were flanking us really protectively and barking at every creepy-looking man that got near us. They seemed really eerily smart but it was nice, they made me feel weirdly safer. They came all the way back to the apartment with us, Kathleen gave them names and everything.

I had my first classes, except not Photojournalism because the professor crashed his motorcycle into something on the way there (he’s okay). They were…pretty unremarkable. And I don’t think they’ll be much of a challenge.

Blahhhh today is so blahhh. I’ll hopefully have more exciting things to blog about later.

OH I FORGOT KEVIN COSTNER. He was apparently just wandering around the city and some girls from our school saw him and took pictures with him. WTF. I wanna see someone famous!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your professor is OK! Let us know more about your classes. Dad said the professors have the same attitude as the shop keepers about hours...
    be nice to all the doggies, but don't bring any home! love ya. mom
